Title: To Protect and To Serve Author: gatechic Characters/Pairing: Wyatt/Adora Rating: PG 16 (is there a rating for seducing a Tin Man?) Summary: Pre-series. Adora seduces her Tin Man. Word Count: 566 Disclaimer: ( Here )
I haven't done these in a while and I'm hoping this will help feed the muse. This one is different in that per erinm_4600's request, I have two 'guests' on the commentary.
It's cloudy and windy again today. That's no bueno for the air show. Some of our weather can be attributed to Hurricane Ida to the west and a High to our east. :\ I hear explosions. They must be doing some maneuvers.
Fic update:The Academy - Chapter 22 has 451 words. LOL
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